
El Pot Petit at the Portalblau Festival 🌊

14 February 2022

El Pot Petit arrives at Portalblau (14.08) with the tour Vull cantar y Vull ballar. Quite a declaration of intentions. A very festive show that will combine music and puppets with the best songs from their albums. The Fòrum of the Roman city of Empúries will be the chosen setting where young and old alike will have a great time. With more than 15,000 copies sold, 600 concerts, millions of views on their YouTube channel and numerous followers on social networks, El Pot Petit is one of the reference groups in the field of music for family audiences. All their recordings have been very well received and their songs have become part of the everyday life of many families.

SYNOPSE: Pau and Jana are alone outside the Pot and without their friends nearby they don't know what to do! Singing and dancing they will be getting them back. Who will be the first to go out and make them sing and dance non-stop? The boy? The pirates Rodamons? The Drac Rac? Whoever it is, they're sure to make them sing and dance like never before!

Tickets available  here.